Sunday, April 22, 2012

The way down

I'm sure you're getting sick of mountain pictures, but here's the last from our way down.

Interesting pottery.

The trail was dug down a good 4 feet, crazy.

The "foothills". 

Just because we didn't go there doesn't mean we can't celebrate like we did.

To do list.

Lake Phewa, this is one of my favorite pictures.

Yes, these poor ponies are carrying rocks, up a mountain.

The sun coming through the clouds.

Down filled rain clouds.

I think this rope is a touch short, but cute cow.

We made it! and didn't even break an ankle.

Celebratory Indian food. (note the lipstick, two weeks in the mountains...)

We have a few more posts lined up, when we get a chance we'll put them up.

We are now in Bangkok, it's sweltering hot, but we've checked into a expensive hotel with AC and a pool to live out our last few days of homelessness.  We'll see you soon, we're home on the 26th!

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